GMP03. Training and Awareness

System Revision ID ASEMS Document Version Effective From State
4743 3.4 08/02/2023 - 09:30 Extant

3.1. Overview

Satisfactory completion of this procedure should ensure compliance with the above Clauses, as stated in ASEMS Part 1 - Policy.

Effective training and awareness of POSMS and POEMS should be essential to success in managing safety and environmental risks. It is important to ensure that staff are aware of their relevant responsibilities, have the appropriate level of competence and appreciate any impacts potentially caused by the project(s). They should also be aware of how their work may affect safety and environmental risk and the consequences of departure from procedural or operational requirements.

Training should be delivered at several levels, including:

  1. General awareness training for all staff whose work may be affected either directly or indirectly by the Delivery Teams Safety and Environmental Management Systems.
  2. Safety and environment management system training is required for those with direct responsibility for POEMS and POSMS implementation and maintenance;
  3. Auditor training will be required for individuals involved in auditing the Safety Management System and Environmental Management System;
  4. Other training may be required to ensure project specific environment and safety roles and responsibilities are carried out in accordance with the Delivery Teams Safety Management System and Environmental Management System;

The training requirements outlined above should also apply to any contractors or subcontractors where their work may affect safety or environmental management or where they have responsibilities within the Safety Management System and/or Environmental Management System.

3.1.1. Supporting Delivery Teams

DE&S Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection (QSEP) has two main responsibilities relating to supporting Delivery Teams:

  1. To make available to Delivery Team staff, a register of appropriate training courses for safety and environmental competence; and
  2. To develop and circulate guidance on safety and environmental issues and POSMS and POEMS implementation.
3.1.2. Safety and Environmental Protection Training

Safety and Environmental Protection staff should be called upon by Delivery Teams to provide advice and guidance on how to implement POSMS and POEMS. In some circumstances they may be called upon to develop training materials or deliver training on POSMS and POEMS and should be required to perform auditing roles. It is therefore important that Safety and Environmental Protection team staff should have a thorough knowledge of both systems, practical knowledge on how they can be implemented at a Delivery Team or project level and how to perform audits.

Within the Safety and Environmental Protection team there should be a need for the following competencies:

  1. In-depth knowledge of POSMS and POEMS;
  2. Advanced knowledge of environmental and safety issues;
  3. Auditing skills.

DE&S sponsors a suite of System Safety and System Environment training courses specifically designed for the DE&S acquisition community. The courses are modular in design, allowing individuals to complete only those elements relevant to their graes/levels (for those in the ASEP Discipline) or assignments (for those outside of ASEP).

The suite comprises:

  1. For System Safety:
    i. System Safety In Action (on-line and workshop);
    ii. System Safety Process Management (on-line and workshop)
    iii. System Safety Practitioner (on-line and workshop);

On completion of the suite of courses individuals may consider membership with the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM). Further details can be found within SEB 042.

  1. For System Environment:
    i. Environmental Awareness and Compliance in Defence;
    ii. POEMS Practitioner course;
    iii. Sustainable Development in Defence Acquisition.

The courses cover the generic elements of System Safety and System Environment and may be supplemented with domain-specific training if required. They are the DE&S-mandated route for achieving competence in the generic aspects of System Safety and System Environment.


* A training matrix giving further details of available training is currently under development and a link to this information will be added here once available.

3.1.3. Required Outputs

  1. SSP02b/F/01 - Training Needs Matrix;
  2. SSP02a/F/02 – General Awareness Training Declaration Form.


Equivalent actions and documentation that the Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection team is satisfied achieve the same objectives.

3.2. Procedure

The diagram below shows the steps described in this section.

Training is a requirement of any safety and environmental management system and is vital to their successful implementation.



3.2.1. Step One: Establish competency requirements

Before any individual training needs are assessed the Delivery Team should match competencies to the various roles and responsibilities within the Safety Management System and Environmental Management System. Environmental Management System roles and responsibilities should be recorded in Form EMP02/F/02 - Project Environmental Responsibilities and Safety Management System in the Project Safety Management Plan (from SMP03).

To identify safety competencies the Delivery Team should refer to the Acquisition Functional Competency – System Safety 1 (AFC-SysSaf1) . However, at the time of writing, equivalent documents for environmental and auditing competencies are referenced in the main External References Document.


3.2.2. Step Two: Establish training requirements

Once the roles and responsibilities within the Safety Management System and Environmental Management System have been matched to the appropriate competency area and, where applicable, the level the Delivery Team should compare these with the current competency of the staff members fulfilling those roles. When assessing an individual’s competency, previous training or experience should be considered. This should include work experience and on-the-job training.

Where the staff member does not meet the competency level required for their role a training plan should be identified, showing any training needs. The Delivery Team should record safety and environmental training needs within the same matrix or separately as desired.

In addition to identifying competency ‘areas’ the matrix should be used to show the competency ‘level’ required by inserting the level number (taken from the competency guidance documents) in the appropriate box. It should be noted however, that not all competency areas have levels e.g. general awareness training.

3.2.3. Step Three: Select Training Course(s)

Once training needs have been identified, the Delivery Team should find appropriate training courses to bring individual’s competency up to the required level. For general awareness the Delivery Team may decide to use its own staff to deliver training but the majority of training will be delivered by external parties. A register of courses recognised as addressing core competencies is be available from QSEP.

In order to match an individual’s needs with the training, it is important to find out when and where courses are being held in addition to their content. Delivery Teams should note that courses can be delivered via software packages in addition to more traditional methods.

3.2.4. Step Four: Training delivery

Training delivery should take place once the training package has been selected and agreed with the individual concerned.

3.2.5. Step 5: Evaluate Training Effectiveness

On completion of the training its effectiveness should be evaluated. For general awareness training this could be via a simple questionnaire or brief interview with the individual to establish whether awareness has improved.  For more specialised training the Delivery Team should confirm effectiveness if:

  1. The training was delivered via an accredited or recognised course; or
  2. The trainee successfully passed the end of course assessment or test (where applicable).
3.2.6. Step Six: Complete training record

For general awareness training the individual should use SSP02a/F/02 – General Awareness Training Declaration Form to confirm to the Delivery Team that the training has been delivered. These forms should be stored by the Delivery Team for future reference. For more formal courses, records of attendance may be used to confirm delivery. Once confirmed the individual’s training record should be updated.

3.2.7. Step Seven: Update training needs matrix

The training needs matrix (Form SSP02a/F/01) should be updated to show that training has been completed

3.3. Responsibilities

The Delivery Team Leader is responsible for ensuring adequate resources are dedicated to the management of safety and environmental protection within their area of responsibility, and for facilitating appropriate arrangements to discharge responsibilities relating to this procedure in an efficient and effective manner.

Responsibility for ensuring those arrangements are implemented, and achieve outputs which fully satisfy legislative and departmental requirements for safety and environmental protection (including compliance with this procedure), shall be formally delegated in writing to a named, competent individual within the team.   

3.4. Procedure Completion

Safety and Environmental Protection Focal Point(s) are likely to complete this procedure although this could be delegated to a third party if desired.

Safety and Environmental Protection Teams will oversee completion of this procedure.

3.5. When

The applicability of this procedure is on-going from the introduction of the POSMS and POEMS to the end of the project.  It also applies when new staff join the Delivery Team or existing staff changes roles within the Delivery Team.

The applicability of this procedure is on-going from the introduction of the POSMS and POEMS. 

3.6. Required Inputs

  1. Project Safety Management Plan (from SMP03);
  2. System Audit (Audit Management and Initiation)
  3. Any existing management arrangements for training Delivery Team staff;
  4. Training records of Delivery Team staff (and contractors/suppliers where applicable);
  5. Any existing arrangements or agreements relating to Safety and Environmental Protection Team’s role in supporting Delivery Teams;
  6. Existing arrangements for training of Safety and Environmental Protection Team staff;
  7. Any existing training records for Safety and Environmental Protection Team staff.

3.7. Required Outputs

Where relevant, the outputs from this procedure should feed into the following:

  1. Individual training records;
  2. SSP02b/F/01 - Training Needs Matrix;
  3. SSP02a/F/02 – General Awareness Training Declaration Form.

A copy of the Training Needs Matrix (Form SSP02a/F/01) produced by following this procedure should be stored in the Project Environmental Case.

The outputs from this procedure should be stored and maintained by the Safety and Environmental Protection Team according to existing document control arrangements.

3.8. Further Guidance

3.8.1. General

Where there is no formalised project management system or no pre-existing arrangements for competence, awareness and training, then the Delivery Team should follow this procedure to manage training arrangements.

If Safety and Environmental Protection already has designated responsibilities and arrangements for supporting Delivery Teams with regard to safety and environmental issues and POSMS and POEMS implementation these should be used as alternatives to the Delivery Team support elements of this procedure

If Safety and Environmental Protection already has systems or procedures for training of staff these should be used as alternatives to the training elements of procedure so long as they meet the same objectives.

The MOD is in the process of defining functional competencies for environmental management and sustainable development so Safety and Environmental Protection may not be able to completely fulfil their responsibility to provide Delivery Teams with training courses matched against competency levels until these have been produced.

3.8.2. Training on POSMS and POEMS General Awareness Training

All staff whose work may affect the safety or environmental impacts of the equipment or have roles or responsibilities within POSMS and POEMS, including contractors and suppliers, should receive general awareness training.

General awareness training should include:

  1. An introduction to safety and environmental issues;
  2. An introduction to POSMS and POEMS and the Delivery Team’s Safety Management System and Environmental Management System;
  3. The importance of conformity with POSMS and POEMS requirements;
  4. Any Safety and Environment requirements that affect staff’s day to day work;
  5. The priority environmental impacts and safety risks associated with their work;
  6. Their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity;
  7. Applicable environmental and safety legal and non-legal requirements;
  8. Improvement and mitigation measures (planned or current);
  9. Location of relevant documentation;
  10. How to report accidents and incidents;
  11. Requirements of the MOD Environmental Policy;
  12. Project safety and environment Policy (where it exists);
  13. Points of contact within the Delivery Team for safety and environmental issues.

The Green Book and White Book should be used for raising general awareness.

3.8.3. Internal Auditor Training

System Audit (Audit Management and Initiation) outlines three competency levels for system auditing as follows:

  1. Lead Auditor;
  2. Auditor;
  3. Aspirant Auditor

Internal auditor training should be delivered by staff at Lead Auditor level that have experience of auditing Safety Management Systems and Environmental Management Systems.

3.8.4. POEMS and POSMS Implementation and Operation Training

This training should be required by any staff members (including contractors and suppliers) who have roles or responsibilities within the Delivery Team’s Safety Management System and Environmental Management System.

3.8.5. Other training requirements

Other safety and environment training should be required in the operation of the Delivery Team’s Safety and Environment Management System(s), for example specialised safety training for Ordnance Munitions and Explosives projects.

3.9. Version Control

3.9.1. Version 2.3 to 3.0 uplift

Major uplift from the Acquisition System Guidance (ASG) to online version.

3.9.2. Version 3.0 to 3.1 uplift

Version uplift to address renumbering of GMP 7 to 3.

3.9.3. Version 3.1 to 3.2 Uplift

Minor text changes to align with ASP taxonomy.

3.9.4. Version 3.2 to 3.3 Uplift

Text change replacing Project Team with Delivery Team.

3.9.5. Version 3.3 to 3.4 Uplift

Addition of available Safety and Environmental courses to facilitate removal of S&EP Leaflet 13/2017.

Subject to Policy Clauses



DE&S sponsored courses for system safety and environmental protection and sustainability shall be the recognised route to support suitable and sufficient competence throughout DE&S.

Covered by Audit Question Sets


Audit Question Set Section 1.8 Training

The Audit Question Set used as assurance in order to adhere to the policy described in policy clause 1.8.