This section details additional material that, although not formally part of the ASEMS, together with some of the tools defined in the ASEMS Toolkit [4] will help in understanding systems safety and environmental management in general with specific reference to the UK MOD acquisition process.
The MOD issues 2 booklets as introductions to environmental and safety management in defence sector acquisition.
Known colloquially as the Green and White books they provide good awareness of the topics and guidance issued as part of the ASEMS.
The environmental performance of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is determined to a significant extent by the nature of the equipment and materiel that it procures. Exercising effective control of equipment specification, design, through-life management and disposal throughout the acquisition process in order to minimise and mitigate any environmental impacts arising from the MOD's activities is therefore fundamental to MOD acquisition activities.
This booklet introduces the concepts, terms and activities of effective environmental management that are mandated within the MOD equipment acquisition process. It is intended to enable Delivery Teams and other MOD staff, especially those in Front Line Command and Operating Centres, to understand the main environmental issues and essential methodologies to control, minimise and mitigate environmental impacts arising from the MOD's procurement decisions and equipment through-life management.
This booklet also introduces and supports the Project Oriented Environmental Management System (POEMS) mandated for use by all Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) Delivery Teams to establish their EMS and undertake equipment environmental impact assessments.
An Introduction to Environmental Management in the MOD Acquisition Process [5]
Many of the tasks which MOD undertakes would be considered inherently dangerous in the non-military environment, with increasingly complex systems employed in sometimes hostile environments. In order to ensure the safety of MOD employees and others affected by its activities, it is essential that safety is robustly managed; there must be a clear understanding of all associated risks, continuous vigilance to identify emergent issues and effective processes to manage the risks in an enduring manner. Through the adoption of such an approach, MOD builds on a history of generally good safety practice, supplemented with good practice from other organisations, to ensure that safety is successfully managed and continuously improved in all areas of its responsibility.
The management of safety applies throughout the life of a project, from Concept through to Disposal. Safety risks must be considered both for peacetime and for conflict, although higher risks may be considered tolerable in times of war
This booklet (in two parts) is an introduction to system safety management concepts, terms and activities. It is intended to allow MOD and contractor personnel to understand quickly how safety issues affect them. The contents of this booklet are intended for information and must therefore not be used as the basis for any contract or instruction to contractors.
An Introduction to Systems Safety Management in the MOD Part 1 [6]
An Introduction to Systems Safety Management in the MOD Part 2 [7]
The safety performance of Defence is influenced by our collective behaviours and leadership, and as leaders we need to communicate the safety behaviours, we expect of our ourselves and those we lead. A safety culture builds slowly, but behaviours are influenced quickly through strong leadership, messaging, expectations, and examples. We call this the ‘tone from the top’.
The guide addresses three key themes: the importance of listening and learning, why we need openness and transparency in safety and most importantly what not just leaders but indeed all of us can do to promote openness in the workplace.
Safety Leadership Guide: How Listening and Learning are our Best Defence [8]
The MOD is committed to improving the UK’s security and sustainability as set out in the National Security Strategy. This identifies a range of sustainability risks including secure and affordable supplies of key natural resources including energy as well as the need to address climate resilience.
DE&S needs to work with capability sponsors, to make sure requirements for sustainability can be fed down into procurement contracts and ensure these issues are picked up alongside the requirements for military effect.
Many of the challenges in this area are growing and the need to understand and adapt to them is critical to maintaining long term defence capability. When integrated into each stage of the acquisition cycle from capability planning to delivery and disposal, sustainable procurement offers clear benefits including cost savings, improved performance, reducing supply chain risks while enhancing military capability.
Further guidance and support can be found in the Sustainable Procurement Guide [9].
ASEMS Part 1 is supported by a series of S&EP Leaflets [10]. The S&EP Leaflets represent a short-term mechanism for quickly promulgating essential policy and guidance updates. The leaflets collectively make up GMP00 within the General Management Procedures, and are also located on the Knowledge in Defence [11] website.
Superseded leaflets are listed below:
S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 Version 3.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 Version 3.1 (Dated April 2024)
S&EP Leaflet 01/2010: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 11/2017
S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 Version 1.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 Version 2.0 (Dated May 2022)
S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 Version 2.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 Version 3.0 (Dated August 2023)
S&EP Leaflet 04/2011: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 10/2017
S&EP Leaflet 05/2012: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015
S&EP Leaflet 06/2013: - Supereseded by S&EP Leaflet 06/2013 Version 3.0 (Dated December 2024)
S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 Version 1.2: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 Version 1.3 (Dated May 2020)
S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 Version 1.3: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 Version 1.4 (Dated August 2022)
S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 Version 1.4: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 Version 1.5 (Dated September 2023)
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.1 (Dated 07 April 2017)
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.2: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.3 (Dated 07 Aug 2019)
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.3: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.4 (Dated 23 March 2020)
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.4: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.5 (Dated 22 September 2020)
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.6: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.7 (Dated November 2023)
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.7: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.8 (Dated March 2024)
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.8: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 Version 2.9 (Dated May 2024)
S&EP Leaflet 10/2017 Version 1.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 10/2017 Version 1.1 (Dated April 2020)
S&EP Leaflet 10/2017 Version 1.1: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 Version 2.0 (Dated April 2024)
S&EP Leaflet 11/2017 Version 1.0: - Superseded by SEB 003 Version 2.0
S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 Version 1.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 Version 2.0 (Dated April 2021)
S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 Version 2.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 Version 3.0 (Dated March 2023)
S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 Version 3.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 Version 3.1 (Dated April 2023)
S&EP Leaflet 13/2017 Version 1.0: - Leaflet removed as information now available in the main body of text (February 2023)
S&EP Leaflet 15/2019 Version 1.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 15/2019 Version 2.0 (Dated March 2021)
S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 Version 1.1: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 Version 1.2 (Dated September 2022)
S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 Version 1.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 Version 2.0 (Dated April 2024)
S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 Version 1.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 Version 2.0 (Dated October 2024)
S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 Version 2.0: - Superseded by S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 Version 2.1 (Dated October 2024)
These Bulletins are intended to provide DE&S staff with essential and important updates to Safety and Environment related policy and information. They are produced by the QS&EP team, and endorsed by DES EngSfty-QSEP Hd.
SEB 001 - Introduction of the Safety & Environmental Protection Bulletin System
The DE&S Safety and Environment Bulletin (SEB) system has been established to provide a mechanism for promulgating short term notices throughout the Safety and Environmental Protection function.
SEB/001 announces the introduction of the SEB system and provides a brief description of how it will operate
SEB 007 - JSP 515 Hazardous Stores Information System (HSIS)
The JSP 515 Hazardous Substances Information System (HSIS) Support Team are not being supplied timely, and/or suitable safety and environmental information for items entering the MOD supply chain for scrutiny and upload to the JSP 515 HSIS database

SEB 009 - Convening of Service Inquiries
On the 1st April 2015, authority for convening all Service Inquiries (SIs) was formally vested in the Defence Safety Authority (DSA). Consequently, with immediate effect, DE&S relinquishes its Convening Authority role. Full details are published in DSA Standard Operating Procedure SOP 1
SEB 010 - Managing Driver Behaviour in White Fleet Vehicles
On the 21st April 2016, DE&S published QS&EP Group Policy Memo 01/2016 to define the process for addressing inappropriate and dangerous driver behaviour. This Policy applies to all DE&S Users of White Fleet Vehicles in accordance with procedures detailed in 2013DIN04-63.
SEB 011 - Withdrawal of HazMat tool from DE&S
The MOD Hazardous Materials Database (HazMat) is an RLI hosted application used to manage an inventory of platforms, equipment and components and to identify hazardous materials such as asbestos, halon and radioactive components that are present in these. This tool also facilitates the reporting of such substances and their elimination from the equipment programme.
SEB 012 - Service Inquest into fatalities at Camp Bastion
In July 2014, Defence Fire Risk Management Organisation (DFRMO) published “Regulation 28 Report following the inquest into two service personnel on 14 February 2011 - Camp Bastion” to ensure that Duty Holders are aware of the concerns raised by her Majesty’s Coroner following a fire that resulted in the deaths of two Service personnel and the required actions to prevent further fatalities
SEB 013 - Guidance on the Procurement of Independent Safety Auditor Services
The guidance examines the role of the Independent Safety Auditor and the aspects to be considered in the procurement process:
- How to select Independent Safety Auditors;
- Scoping work for Independent Safety Auditors at different lifecycle phases;
- Assessing proposals for Independent Safety Auditors; and
- Guidance on the production of contracting documents, and factors to be considered when assessing the outputs of the Independent Safety Auditor
SEB017 - S&EP Leaflet 11/2017 Acquisition Delegations in DE&S
This SEB announces the publication of S&EP Leaflet 11/2017. The leaflet sets out the principles for delegating acquisition safety authority in a balanced matrix organisation and introduces the concept of a multi-function assignment within the Engineering function.
SEB 021 The Introduction of GMP-00 SEP Leaflets
a. This SEB annouces the publication of GMP00 S&EP Leaflets and the reorganisation of the existing GMPs.
b. It details a new approach to the publication leaflets in ASEMS and the reasons behind the change.
SEB022 - Introduction of The Sustainable Procurement Tool & Guide
As part of the recent development of ASEMS, QSEP has been investigating embedding Sustainable Procurement (SP) principles more effectively within DE&S procurement activities. This has resulted in the introduction of a new SP Toolkit for Delivery Teams together with supporting guidance. The tool kit is intended to provide a proportionate and relevant approach for Delivery Teams to manage SP during the acquisition lifecycle.
SEB023 - Introduction of SEP Leaflet 14/2019 - System Safety Risk Management
This SEB announces the publication of SEP Leaflet 14/2019 - System Safety Risk Management. This SEP Leaflet provides guidance on hazard and risk tools and techniques.
SEB025 - Update of POSMS to version 4.0
This SEB announces the release of POSMS at version 4.0. Updates include re-formatting of layout and an extended intorduction. No guidance has been removed or added.
SEB031 - POEMS Environmental Management Procedure (EMP) 04 and 05 v3.3 update to EMP04 v4.0
This SEB announces the publication of POEMS EMP 04 - 'Environmental Impact Screening and Scoping' at version 4.0. EMP 04 has undergone substantial updates to improve environmental impact prioritisation, enabling greater resolution of priorities by weighing environmental significance against other key legislative and practical considerations. The SEB explains the changes and transitional arrangements, and is supported by an updated POEMS Transition Document, found in the ASEMS Supporting Documents area.
SEB 032 - S&EP Leaflet 15/2019 v2.0 - Safety and Environmental management Plan Reviews
SEB 032 announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 15/2019 – Safety and Environmental Management Plan Reviews to Version 2.0. The leaflet has undergone review and updated to allow a more flexible approach to the periodicity of SEMP reviews. The maximum review periodicity is three years, unless a more frequent periodicity is specified within a relevant regulation. Further details of the changes to the leaflet can be found on the SEB.
SEB 039 - Update to Policy Clause 5.6 within ASEMS Part 1.
This SEB announces the update to ASEMS Part 1 - Policy Clause 5.6 – Environmental Impact. This update comes into effect immediately. Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 041 Update to Leaflet 16/2021 - Commercial Diving Acquisition to Version 1.2
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 - Commercial Diving Acquisition to Version 1.2. The leaflet has been updated following findings from the Defence Diving Standards Team audit of DE&S Diving Governance. Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 042 Removal of System Safety Practitioner (SSP) Exam
This SEB documents the formal decision to remove the provision of the SSP Exam and therefore removes the requirement to complete the SSP Exam and supersedes any references made. This update comes into effect immediately.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 043 Removal of S&EP Leaflet 13/2017 - The DE&S Way for System Safety and System Environmental Protection
This SEB announces the removal of S&EP Leaflet 13/2017 - The DE&S Way for System Safety and System Environmental Protection. The update comes into effect immediately.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 045 Update to Policy Clauses 1.7 and 4.10 within ASEMS Part 1 - Policy and the associated Assurance Question Sets within ASEMS Part 3 - Assurance.
This SEB announces the update to Policy Clauses 1.7 and 4.10 within ASEMS Part 1 - Policy and the Associated Question Sets within ASEMS Part 3 Assurance. This update comes into effect immediately.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 047 Update of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 to Version 3.1
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 - DE&S Requirements for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issues and Incidents to Version 3.1. The leaflet has been updated following a query received regarding paragraph 8.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 048 Mandating the Use of the Safety Case Maturity Tool
This SEB has been produced to mandate the use of the Safety Case Maturity Tool (SCMT) for all Platforms and Large Complex Systems.
Further details can be found on the SEB and Policy Clause 4.1 [33].
SEB 049 Update to Policy Clause 5.9 Specialist Advice
This SEB announces the additional wording to Policy Clause 5.9 – Specialist Advice following the Sheldon Report and linkage to Recommendation 4.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 052 Update to DE&S Safety and Environmental Protection Leaflet 07/2013 – Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials – Addition of the Legal Position on the Disposal of Asbestos
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 – Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials – Addition of the Legal Position on the Disposal of Asbestos to Issue 1.5. The leaflet has been reviewed and updated. Issue 1.5 of this leaflet supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 054 - Update of GMP01 to Version 4.0
This SEB announces the update of GMP01 from Version 3.3 to 4.0. The guidance has been reviewed and updated, in which Version 4.0 supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 055 - Update of POEMS to reflect Leaflet 18
This SEB announces the update of ASEMS Part 2 Introduction and POEMS EMP 01 to 09. The guidance have been reviewed in reflection of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 and have been updated with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 056 - Update of SMP02 – ‘Safety Committee’ to Version 5.0
This SEB announces the update of SMP02 from Version 4.3 to 5.0. The guidance has been reviewed and updated, in which Version 5.0 supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 057 - Use of best practical environmental option in acquisition environmental management
This SEB has been released to provide clarity on how the best practical environmental option is to be addressed within DE&S’s acquisition environmental management arrangements.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 059 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 - Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral to Version 3.1
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 – “Equipment Safety And Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral” from Version 3.0 to Version 3.1.
The leaflet has been reviewed and updated and supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 060 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 to Version 2.0 and Previous Supporting Artefacts to Archived SEB 003
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0. Since the publication of the S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 Version 1.0, QSEP have received feedback from DE&S stakeholders which has resulted in a need to update this leaflet.
The leaflet has been reviewed and updated and supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB
SEB 061 - Update of Sustainable Procurement Guide
This SEB announces minor updates to ASEMS in reflection of the re-published Sustainable Procurement Guide and to remove links to the obsolete sustainable procurement tool.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 062 - Release of S&EP Leaflet 20/2024 – Responsibilities for Waste in DE&S Acquisition
This SEB announces the release of S&EP Leaflet 20/2024. The Leaflet provides supplementary guidance to support Delivery Teams fulfil their legal responsibilities relating to waste.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 063 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 - ‘DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD’ to Version 2.9
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD to Version 2.9. The update has been completed following the request to update the details of Head of Salvage & Marine Operations contained within Annex E of the Leaflet and supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
SEB 064 - Use of Carbon Quantification Tools in Acquisition Environmental Management
This SEB has been released to provide clarity and guidance on how to identify and source suitable carbon tools to quantify carbon footprints of products, systems and services.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
20240708 - SEB 065 - Additional guidance provided for the Disposal/Sale of articles to a 2nd Party
This SEB announces that following the CRV(T) service enquiry guidance has been updated within Guidance Manual Sections 4. How to do it @ and SMP12 @ to highlight that Legislation is in place for when Projects intend to sell/dispose of articles to a 2nd Party.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
20240930 - SEB 066 - Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities for Executive Safety Responsible Assignment Holders in DE&S
This SEB announces the release of S&EP Leaflet 19/2024 [48]. Since the publication of S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 in March 2023, it has been recognised that the Executive Safety Responsible (ESR) and Principal Engineer (PE) roles had not been clearly identified or defined. The release of S&EP Leaflet 19/2024 now defines these roles.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
20240930 -SEB 067 - S&EP Leaflet 18 - Delivering Sound Environmental Performance in DE&S Acquisition to V2
This SEB announces the release of Version 2.0 of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 [50], which includes a new template Letter of Delegation associated with environmental responsibilities. As a result, SEB 051 has been archived and SEB 067 has been released. Updates have been made to reflect, and align with, the new DE&S Operating Model.
Full details can be found on SEB 067 within Supporting Documents [51].
*Note - Due to minor typographical errors S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 is now at Version 2.1.
20241121 - SEB 068 - Release of Support to Ukraine & Op SCORPIUS: Acquisition Safety & Environmental Tailoring - Guidance for DE&S Delivery.
This SEB announces the release of a new document titled Support to Ukraine & Op SCORPIUS: Acquisition Safety & Environmental Tailoring – Guidance for DE&S Delivery.
The release of this document sets out how taskings in support of Ukraine and Op SCORPIUS should be approached from a Safety & Environmental perspective, it aligns to relevant international agreements and forms part of DE&S policy through ASEMS.
Full details can be found on SEB 068 within Supporting Documents [51].
SEB 069 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 06/2013 - Noise Measurement to Facilitate ASSessment of Expose and Selection of Hearing Protection to Issue 3.0
This SEB announces the update of S&EP leaflet 06/2013 - Noise Measurement to Facilitate ASSessment of Expose and Selection of Hearing Protection to Issue 3.
Full details can be found on SEB 069.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB 002 - DE&S Special Bonus Scheme - Payment for Personal & Professional Activity in Safety and Environmental Protection
The Special Bonus Scheme (SBS) exists to reward exceptional performance by eligible civilian staff in an extraordinary task or exercise. MOD Personnel Instruction 124/99 announced the extension of the Scheme to allow for the recognition of significant personal development achievement such as the attainment of a professional or educational qualification of national standing.
Following the release of version 2 of Engineering Instruction No.3 detailing the Special Bonus Scheme (SBS) for personal and professional development in Acquisition Safety, SEB002 will now detail Acquisition Environmental Protection SBS, only. The figure for achieving Environmental Practitioner status has been updated, and is now £400, in alignment with the System Safety Practitioner.
The below SEB is no longer extant being superseded by S&EP Leaflet 17/2023. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB003 – The Management of Formally Delegated Safety and Environmental Responsibilities in DE&S
This SEB defines how the ASP taxonomy is to be applied across DE&S and describes how aspects such as competence assessment and safety and environmental delegations shall be managed. This SEB, released at Issue 4, has been updated to include Hazardous Materials responsibilities within the SSR Assignment Specifications and supersedes all previous Issues.
This SEB is no longer extant being superseded by Issue 4. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 003 - The Management of Formally-Delegated Safety and Environmental Responsibilities in DE&S
This SEB defines how the ASP taxonomy is to be applied across DE&S and describes how aspects such as competence assessment and safety and environmental delegations shall be managed. This SEB is released at Issue 3 and supersedes all previous Issues. This SEB also supersedes SEP leaflet 11/2017.
This SEBs is no longer extant as the have been superseded by Issue 3. The archive versions are kept below for information.
SEB 003 - Safety Critical and Safety Enabling Post Definitions
Within DE&S, the terms Safety Critical (SC) and Safety Enabling (SE) have been adopted, which highlight the responsibilities of System Safety Management posts. In broad terms, staff in Safety Critical posts are responsible for undertaking key safety-related functions, functions which would cease if the posts are not filled. Safety enablers are the deep subject matter experts who provide essential support, allowing those decisions to be made efficiently, effectively and competently. The importance of ensuring these posts are filled by competent individuals is recognised at the most senior level. A target of reducing the number of vacant Safety Critical posts across the whole of DE&S to no more than 50 has been set by CDM, with progress reports being provided on a regular basis.
The SEB below is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB 004 - Revision of S&EP Policy Leaflet 04/2011
S&EP Leaflet 04/2011 (System Safety & Environmental Role Profiles) defines a series of seven generic safety and environmental roles against which any member of the DE&S acquisition community can be mapped. The process initially requires users to identify which role is most appropriate for a nominated post. This will identify acquisition safety and environmental protection related competence requirements, in the form of training and experience, that the post-holder must demonstrate. The second part of the mapping process is to record how the post-holder satisfies these requirements and, if necessary, how any shortcomings will be managed.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB 005 - DE&S ASSERT OHSE Reporting, replacing the manual DE&S Incident Notification Cell (DINC) process
Within DE&S, ASSERT is being promoted as the preferred corporate tool for reporting on Safety and Environmental management by the QSEP team. It allows analysis and reports to be automatically generated for the various management levels up to and including CDM. As part of the expansion of the ASSERT system it was identified that there was an organisation requirement to develop an on-line reporting tool which would allow individuals at all levels to report incidents relating to OHSE and for Operating Centres (OC's) to view and report on incidents within their areas of responsibility.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB 006 - DE&S’s Contribution to Mitigating Risks to Life (RtL) across MOD (replacing Leaflet 05/2012)
It is Departmental policy that those responsible and accountable for activities that have the potential to pose RtL be identified as Duty Holders and appointed formally as such through Letters of Delegation (LoD). Across MOD, Duty Holders are responsible and accountable for the safe operation of systems, facilities and activities in their areas of responsibility. By controlling RtL and reducing them to Broadly Acceptable or Tolerable & As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP), MOD Duty Holders ensure that all persons to whom MOD owes a common law and statutory duty of care are protected
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB 008 - Defence Standards 00-56, 00-55, and 00-27
This SEB has been produced to keep staff informed of the changes to S&E Defence Standards and contains information on the review and publication of:
- Def Stan 00-56 Part 1 Issue 6, Safety Management Requirements for Defence Systems.
- Def Stan 00-55 Part 1 Interim Issue 3, Requirements for Safety of Programmable Elements in Defence Systems.
- Def Stan 00-27 Issue 3, Measurement of Impulse Noise from Military Weapons, Explosives and Pyrotechnics (MWEP) and Selection of Hearing Protection.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 014 - Update to S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 – Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection Risk Referral
- QSEP have recently updated S&EP leaflet 03/2011, Equipment Safety & Environmental Protection Risk Referral also held as GMP00. S&EP Leaflet 03/2011: Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral [64]
- The updated leaflet addresses a number of issues, in particular:
- The scope has been expanded to encompass the referral of environmental risks,
- Ability to use the referral process for non-Class A risks has been clarified,
- Minor updates have been introduced to reflect organisational changes which have occurred since the leaflet was originally issued in 2011.
- The revised leaflet will shortly be published on the ASG.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 015 - Update to S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S’s Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD
- QSEP have recently updated S&EP leaflet 09/2015, DE&S Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD also held as GMP00: DE&S Contribution to Mitigating Risks to Life (RtL) Across MOD [66]
- The updated leaflet addresses a number of issues, in particular:
- Restatement of the ten MOD-level principles for Duty Holding
- Delegation of Duty Holding responsibilities to non-MOD personnel
- Clarification of the relationship between Duty Holding and duty of care responsibilities
- An update to the list of DE&S Operating and Delivery Duty Holders to reflect changes with the organisation.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB 016 - S&EP Leaflet 10/2017 System Safety & Engineering Protection Competence Mapping
- This SEB announces the publication of S&EP Leaflet 10/2017 – Competence Mapping. The leaflets contains a series of Competence Maps, each of which defines levels of generic (SQEP 1) System Safety and Environmental Protection competence that apply to staff with responsibilities in those two areas. The leaflet supersedes S&EP Leaflet 04/2011 (Role Profiles). The Competence Maps are designed to complement the Role Profiles published by the Engineering Function and provide an additional level of detail to help in their consistent application.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB 018 - Update to S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S’s Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD
This SEB announces the publication of an update to S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 (DE&S’s Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD).
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB019 - S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 – DE&S Requirements for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issues and Incidents (Replacing Leaflet 01/2010)
This SEB announces the publication of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 (DE&S Requirements for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issues and Incidents) which will replace leaflet 01/2010 with immediate effect. The leaflet sets out the responsibilities of each stakeholder (PT, OC and Pan Domain) for the effective management of accident, incidents and near miss reports.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB020 - S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S’s Contribution to mitigating risks to life across MOD Version 2.2
- This SEB announces the publication of an update to S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 (DE&S’s Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD).
- Version 2.2 of the leaflet dated October 2017 incorporates a minor update to DE&S Operating and Delivery Duty Holders at Annex C. The Operating Duty Holder for Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA) is the CEO of SDA, replacing CoM Submarines and Head In-Service Submarines PT.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB024 - Introduction of SEP Leaflet 15/2019 - Safety and Environmental Management Plan Review
This SEB announces the publication of SEP Leaflet 15/2019 - Safety and Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) Review. This SEP Leaflet introduces the requirement for SEMP reviews.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB026 - Update of SEP Leaflet 09/2015
This SEB announces the update of SEP Leaflet 09/2015 to version 2.3. The update includes changes to the list of DE&S Duty Holders.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information
SEB027 - S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 v2.4 – DE&S Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life across MOD
This SEB announces the update of an S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life across MOD. This leaflet has now been updated to version 2.4. The changes are limited to an updated list of Duty Holders and the inclusion of the DE&S Duty Holder competence assessment. The leaflet supersedes SEP Leaflet 09/2015 v2.3.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB028 - S&EP Leaflet 10/2017 v1.1 – System Safety and Environmental Protection Competence Mapping
This SEB announces the update of an S&EP Leaflet S&EP 10/2017 – System Safety and Environmental Protection competence mapping. This leaflet has now been updated to version 1.1. The changes are limited to an updated list of Competence Maps to align with the ASP Taxonomy. The leaflet supersedes SEP Leaflet 10/2017 v1.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB029 - S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 v1.3 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials.
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials. This leaflet has now been updated to version 1.3. The update takes into account recent changes in terminology and updated URLs which link to the improved guidance and DE&S published processes along with the introduction of a new annexe which formalises the requirement to capture unique uses of Lead (Pb).
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB030 - S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 v2.5 – DE&S Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life across MOD
S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life across MOD. This leaflet has now been updated to version 2.5. The changes are limited to an update to a change of name from Director Ship Acquisition to T26 Offshore Patrol Vessels Team Leader within the list of Operating Duty Holders. The leaflet supersedes S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 v2.4.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 033 - S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 v2.0 - DE&S Requirement for the Management of Equipment Safety & Environmental Issues & Incidents
SEB 033 announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 – DE&S Requirement for the Management of Equipment Safety & Environmental Issues & Incidents to Version 2.0, the leaflet has undergone significant review and updating. OC’s maintain the overriding responsibility to ensure efficient handling of related events. The leaflet now allows reporting of events to be visible to a larger audience with the intention of improving shared learning across all domains. Further details of the changes to the leaflet can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 034 Leaflet 16/2021 v1.0 - Commercial Diving Acquisition
SEB 034 announces the release of S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 - Commercial Diving Acquisition. It has been recognised that there was a gap in corporate safety management system arrangements regarding the acquisition of commercial diving services. To ensure DE&S can meet the requirements of both the Diving At Work Regulations 1997 (DWR 97) and DSA regulations (DSA 02 DMR), it must ensure that it has suitable and sufficient arrangements in place to ensure the risks associated with diving activity, regardless of whether this is by contracted commercial, DE&S or Military divers. S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 describes DE&S’ policy for the acquisition of commercial diving services for DE&S sponsored diving projects and provides direction to Delivery Teams to ensure that their responsibilities under DWR 97 and DSA 02 are understood and met. Further details can be found on SEB 034.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 035 - S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 v2.6 - DE&S' Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life across MOD
SEB 035 announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 - DE&S' Contribution to Mitigation Risk to Life across MOD to version 2.6. Terminology has been updated to reflect the responsibilities for the CEO when delegating their responsibilities through the Duty Holding Construct. Further details of the changes to the leaflet can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 036 - S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 v2.0 - Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral.
SEB 036 announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 - Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral to version 2.0. The leaflet has undergone significant review and rewrite, further details of which can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 037 - Mandating Defence Standard 00-051 in Contracts
This SEB has been produced to mandate Defence Standard 00-051 Environmental Management Requirements for Defence Systems for all new DE&S acquisition contracts and appropriate contractual renewals and will take effect from September 2022. The purpose of this Standard is to support MOD acquisition organisations that deliver Products, Services and/or Systems (PSS) by setting environmental management requirements on Contractors that enable procurement of PSS that are demonstrably compliant with environmental legislation and regulations and with MOD policy.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 038 - S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 – Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials to Issue 1.4. The leaflet has been reviewed and updated. Issue 1.4 of this leaflet supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect. Further details can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 040 - New Policy Clause 5.9 within ASEMS Part 1 – Policy and associated new Guidance.
This SEB announces the introduction of Policy Clause 5.9 – Specialist Advice and the associated guidance being introduced within SMP 12 – Safety Case and Safety Case Report. This update comes into effect immediately.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 044 Update of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 to Version 3.0
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 - DE&S Requirements for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issues and Incidents to Version 3.0. The leaflet has been updated following findings from the Defence Internal Audit (DIA).
Further details can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 046 Release of S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 Replacing SEB 003
This SEB announces the release of S&EP Leaflet 17/2023, replacing SEB 003. This update comes into effect immediately.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 050 Update to S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 - Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 – Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral to Version 3.0. The leaflet has undergone significant review and rewrite. Version 3.0 of this leaflet supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 051 Release of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 - Delivering Sound Environmental Performance in DE&S Acquisition - Replacing Environmental Elements of SEB 003
This SEB announces the release of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023. SEB 003 has since been replaced by S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 – Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities in DE&S. S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 will be the formal publication of the equivalent environmental taxonomy.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 053 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – ‘DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD’ to Version 2.7
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD to Version 2.7. The leaflet has been reviewed and updated and supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
The below SEB is no longer extant. The archived version is kept below for information.
SEB 058 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – ‘DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD’ to Version 2.8
This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD to Version 2.8. The leaflet has been reviewed and updated and supersedes all previous versions with immediate effect.
Further details can be found on the SEB.
An Adobe pdf presentation on ALARP. This discusses in general terms the journey to declaring a risk ALARP from initial hazard identification, discussion of risk management and the legal definition and requirements for ALARP with practical guidance.
The hypothesis underlying the new model, called STAMP (Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes) is that system theory is a useful way to analyze accidents, particularly system accidents. In this conception of safety, accidents occur when external disturbances, component failures, or dysfunctional interactions among system components are not adequately handled by the control system, that is, they result from inadequate control or enforcement of safety-related constraints on the development, design, and operation of the system.
Safety then can be viewed as a control problem, and safety is managed by a control structure embedded in an adaptive socio-technical system. The goal of the control structure is to enforce constraints on system development (including both the development process itself and the resulting system design) and on system operation that result in safe behavior. In this framework, understanding why an accident occurred requires determining why the control structure was ineffective. Preventing future accidents requires designing a control structure that will enforce the necessary constraints.
A New Accident Model for Engineering Safer Systems [92]1 authored by Aeronuatics and Astronautics Professor Nancy Leveson at Massachusetts Institute of Technology details what is becoming an important method for viewing accidents that moves away from the standard event driven view. Further details and case studies may be found at ther home page: http://sunnyday.mit.edu/ [93]
1. [This paper appeared in Safety Science, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 2004, pp. 237-270.]
Throughout ASEMS the reader is encouraged to apply a proportionate approach to the procedures followed. It does not neccesarily mean ommitting content but rather provides the user a degree of flexibility in the degree a procedure is applied (is an ISA required for this project, does this require a simple statement for evidence rather than a complete document? for example).
The linked Proportionality document [94] has been created as a starting point for further development and incorporation of detailed guidance on utilising a proportional approach. Whilst this is a work in progress you may find it informative.
A user guide written by MOD staff describing the process for setting up a hazard log in the eCassandra and desktop Cassandra tools.
POEMS EMP04 & EMP05 v3.3 have been reviewed, combined and updated to EMP04 v4.0
POEMS has undergone a major revision. This is described in the transition document below:
POEMS Transition Document [97].