Release of S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 – Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities in DE&S
The leaflet updates and replaces SEB 003.
The leaflet updates and replaces SEB 003.
This notification is to announce the release of SEB 045 - Update to Policy Clauses 1.7 and 4.10 within ASEMS Part 1- Policy and the associated Assurance Question Sets within ASEMS Part 3 – Assurance. The updates come into effect immediately.
This notification is to announce the release of SEB 044 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 - DE&S Requirements for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issue and Incidents from Version 2.0 to Version 3.0.
The SEB outlines the updates made to S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 to better articulate the incident reporting requirements following the findings from the Defence Internal Audit (DIA).
This notification is to announce the release of the online training course for Defence Standard 00-051: Environmental Management Requirements in Defence on Defence Learning Environment (DLE).
A request was received to clarify wording around SEMP review timings within SMP03 and S&EP Leaflet 15/2019. A review of these documents has now been completed and it has been agreed to align both documents, further review of ASEMS has added EMP01 to the alignment.
This notification is to announce the release of SEB 043 Removal of S&EP Leaflet 13/2017 – The DE&S Way for System Safety and System Environmental Protection. Following review of the Leaflet it has been found that the information available within the Leaflet is now available within the main body of text of ASEMS. The update comes into effect immediately.
This notification is to announce the release of SEB 042 - Removal of the System Safety Practitioner (SSP) Exam. The SEB documents the formal decision to remove the provision of the SSP Exam and therefore removes the requirement to complete the SSP Exam and supersedes any references made. This update comes into effect immediately.
Full details can be found on SEB 042 within Supporting Documents.
SEB 041 announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 - Commercial Diving Acquisition to Version 1.2. The leaflet has been updated following findings from the Defence Diving Standards Team audit of DE&S Diving Governance. Further details can be found on the SEB.
S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 can be found within ASEMS – Part 2 Guidance – GMP00.
HSEP have recently published the Safety Leadership Guide which aligns to the DE&S Safety Strategy and supports a number of the Strategies enabling goals. S&E guides within ASEMS Supporting Documents has been updated to include the guide.
This notification is to announce the release of SEB 040 – New Policy Clause 5.9 within ASEMS Part 1 Policy and associated new Guidance.