
20231218 - Minor amendment to SEB 055 POEMS update in reflection of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023

This notification is to announce a minor update to SEB 055 following its release in November 2023. It has been recognised that a timeline is necessary to inform when the updated POEMS should be applied to projects, additional wording has therefore been added to paragraph 8.

Full details can be found in SEB 055 within Supporting Documents.


20231214 – Update to Wording for Procuring COTS/MOTS

Following the update to the COTS/MOTS guidance wording during November 2023, it has been recognised that Domains are able to utilise the guidance to assist them in identifying and developing specific strategies (e.g., Commercial maritime Approach to the Management of COTS float and move Equipment (CAMCE)) to manage COTS/MOTS.

Wording has been added to 4.11 COTS, MOTS, and Modified COTS and MOTS within 4. How to Do It to reflect this additional information.

20231128 - POEMS update in reflection of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023

This notification is to announce the POEMS update in reflection of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 Delivering Sound Environmental Performance in DE&S Acquisition.  Some guidance in the POEMS EMP01 to 09 has been amended in reference to environmental outcomes and to formal environmental responsibilities.

Full details of the changes can be found in SEB 055 within Supporting Documents.

20231121 - Update of GMP01 – ‘Contracting for Safety and Environmentally Sound Products, Systems or Services’ to Version 4.0

This notification is to announce the update of GMP01 - ‘Contracting for Safety and Environmentally Sound Products, Systems or Services’ to Version 4.0.

A review has been completed of GMP01, changes to the guidance include: 

20231106 - Update to wording for procuring COTS & MOTS.

This notification is to announce the update to wording within COTS, MOTS, and Modified COTS and MOTS within 4. How to Do It.

Additional wording has been added to aid the decisions made around the complexity of producing a Safety Case. Wording has been updated to state that for a simple PSS a Safety Case may not be required, with the intent of reducing the activity involved with, and burden of, excessive amounts of Safety Cases, particularly where a Safety Case would add no great value.

20231106 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – ‘DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD’ to Version 2.7

This notification is to announce the release of SEB 053 - Update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – ‘DE&S’ Contribution To Mitigating Risk To Life Across MOD’ to Version 2.7. The leaflet is available within GMP00.

The SEB outlines the updates made to S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 such as ensuring alignment with JSP 815 and DSA 01.1 – Regulations. Additionally, the Table of Operating and Delivery DH (Annex E) has been updated.

20230914 – Update of S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials

This notification is to announce the update of S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials to Issue 1.5, available within GMP00. The update includes the addition of the legal position on the disposal of asbestos.

Full details can be found on SEB 052 within Supporting Documents.

20230825 – Release of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 - Delivering Sound Environmental Performance in DE&S Acquisition

This notification is to announce the release of S&EP Leaflet 18/2023.

SEB 003 defined how the Acquisition Safety Project taxonomy was to be applied across DE&S and described how aspects such as competence assessment and safety and environmental delegations was to be managed.
